Pausing And Reflecting

And making new plans and goals.

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about my future goals in life. Spending less time online is great for that, but I have missed keeping up with everybody.

I’ve known for years I’ve needed to do some retraining, but because it has to be something I’m going to love and not just something I do for the money, I’ve so far never decided on (or stuck with) anything. I think I have a plan now, though.

I want to do a meditation teacher training course, followed by a combined hypnotherapy and CBT course. Maybe I’ll add breathwork training later, too. You get the idea.

Ideally, I’ll combine this knowledge with my illustration, animation, audio, video and written creativity to make lots of helpful, accessible tools and services.

It’s great in theory, but I’m aware it’s a big commitment both in time and financially. It’s the first plan in years that’s really inspired me, so I think it will be worth it.

This is partly why I’m making a YouTube channel. I’ve been working hard on that, and I’ll be introducing it soon. It’s already up and running, but I’m waiting until I have a few more videos live. It feels like back when I put my first comic strips online, but much harder, because it’s using a load of new skills.

Have a great sober weekend, everybody x

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