A Sober Glow

Image by the author

Just a quick motivating observation this week. Yesterday I had one of those lovely peak experiences where nothing is out of the ordinary, but everything feels perfect. I just sat on the sofa with my cat, drinking coffee and watching the morning sun appear over the opposite rooftops.

There have been no dramatic changes in my life circumstances, yet I’ve recently felt great. More open, appreciative, mindful, curious and creative. It’s hard to pin down or put into words, so I’ll call it a sober glow.

When we first get sober, it’s hard to imagine it, but it does creep up on you over time. I think I finally understand that sober saying, ‘Don’t quit before the magic happens.’ The magic does happen if you keep going.

Have a lovely sober weekend, everybody x

2 thoughts on “A Sober Glow

  1. I’m in a Facebook group where someone called that the glimmer.
    The best thing is once you experience it, you know it exists, even on days with no shine.
    I have to remind myself sometimes….

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